Development and Perfection of Open Market Operation in China 刍议公开市场业务在我国的发展和完善
Some policy suggestions are therefore offered including extending the application scope of exchange funds, changing FER monetary structure and perfecting open market operation. 提出了扩展外汇资金运用方式,调整外汇储备的币种结构,完善公开市场业务等应对策略。
Indirect Regulation and Open Market Operation of the Central Bank 中央银行的间接调控与公开市场业务
On the Economic Law Attribute of the Open Market Operation Law System 论公开市场操作法律制度的经济法属性
The Effect of Payment System Development on Open Market Operation 支付系统发展对公开市场操作效果的影响
China's current major instruments of monetary policy include open market operation, interest management, reserve regime, sub-loans and sub-discount. 中国目前的主要货币政策工具包括公开市场操作,利率管理,存款准备金制度,次级贷款和次级贴现。
With the quickening of financial market construction, the time comes to adopt the open market operation policy. 随着金融市场化步伐的加快,公开市场业务操作的时机日臻成熟。
Diversification of Open Market Operation Instruments in China 我国公开市场业务操作工具的多元化选择
Open market operation is the main instrument to control base money and interest rate in developed countries. 以美国为首的发达市场经济国家主要通过公开市场业务来调控基础货币和利率,中国央行的公开市场业务自1998年以来也得到了快速发展,已成为央行日常货币政策操作的主要政策工具。
Therefore, monetary policy in China at present should have multiple targets instead of single target and adjust intermediate goals, choosing open market operation as its main policy instrument and taking stock market into consideration. 因此,我国目前的货币政策应将单一目标改变为多重目标,调整中介指标,选择以公开市场业务为主的政策工具,考虑股票市场因素。
Since gold government bonds and foreign exchange are not the complete substitutes, central bank can combine the open market operation ( both in government bonds market and foreign exchange market) with moderate gold market operation, which may lead to a more satisfactory monetary policy effect. 由于黄金、政府债券和外汇不是完全的替代物,中央银行可以考虑把公开市场业务与外汇业务和适当的黄金业务结合起来,以获得理想的货币政策效果。
So the article argues, in order to improve the independence and flexibility of the monitory policy, we should reform present exchange control system, enhance the open market operation, and so on. 笔者就这一问题提出:应改革我国现行的外汇管理体制,加大公开市场业务操作力度,等等,以实现我国中央银行货币政策的主动性和灵活性。
Open market operation ofthe central bank can produce a series of macro economy effects: having better control to the total amount of money supply; 中央银行通过公开市场业务操作会产生一系列的宏观经济效果:对货币供应量有较好的控制;
The paper holds that the open market operation by the central bank of China has been in conformity with its basic requirements, but coordination with public financial policy is still to be improved. 本文认为,我国央行的公开市场业务操作是符合其基本任务要求的,但在与财政政策的协调方面还有待于改进。
To cultivate indirect and marketable tools of monetary policy, put premium on the role of rate and open market operation in the regulation of monetary policy. 培育市场化、间接化的货币政策调控工具,注重利率和公开市场操作在货币政策调控中的作用。
Monetary policy is performed by the central bank using reserve requirement and rediscount and open market operation. 货币政策一般是由各国中央银行来实施,货币政策手段主要有法定准备金率、贴现率和公开市场业务。
The Research on the Open Market Operation of China Central Bank 中国中央银行公开市场业务操作研究
With the increasing of the public debt's mobility, the public debt has become a very important tool for commercial banks to adjust the asset structure, improve the mobility management and for the central bank to adjust the currency circulation through the open market operation. 后来,随着国债流动性的不断提高,国债成为商业银行调节资产结构,加强流动性管理以及中央银行通过公开市场业务调节货币流通的重要工具。
A Brief View of Development of Our Country's Open Market Operation 浅议我国公开市场业务的拓展
The Federal Reserve System performed the open market operation successfully. 公开市场业务在美国运用的最为成功,尽管公开市场业务并非为美联储最先使用。
The open market operation makes difference to the movement of monetary market and bond market. 公开市场操作影响了货币市场和债券市场利率的走势;
In china, the open market operation scale is limited, to present, it is not a kind of main monetary policy. 我国的公开市场业务从1996年4月9日开始,操作规模有限,至今还不能算是中央银行主要依赖的货币政策工具。
A Study on Effectiveness of Open Market Operation of China's Central Bank's Influence to the Market Behavior 我国公开市场操作对市场行为有效性的研究
The open market operation has its limitation; 公开市场业务存在一定的局限性;
On the other hand, open market operation has some disadvantages. 公开市场业务可以灵活精巧地进行;
It is proposed that in order to improve the independence and flexibility of monetary policy, China should reform present exchange control system, enhance the open market operation and facilitate the equilibrium of the balance of payments. 我国应改革现行的外汇管理制度,加大公开市场业务操作力度,促进国际收支结构平衡,以提高货币政策实施的自主性和灵活性。
The open market operation is a policy-based measure for the central bank to buy or sell aftermarket securities in the open market to increase or reduce currency supply. 公开市场业务是指中央银行在公开市场上买进或卖出二级市场债券用以增加或减少货币供应量的一种政策手段。
Liquidity management through open market operation by central bank has crucial effect on the formation of interest rate expectation and liquidity expectation in market. 中央银行采用公开市场操作进行的流动性管理对于市场形成稳定的利率预期、流动性预期具有重要的作用。
Open market operation is one of the most important tools for the Central Bank to achieve its monetary policy. 公开市场业务是各国中央银行贯彻货币政策目标的主要工具之一。
Owing to deficiency and limitation of market size, variety, term structure and operating target, open market operation has not operated an effective function on stock price. 公开市场业务由于在市场规模、操作品种、期限结构和业务目标等方面仍存在不足和缺陷,目前还不能对股票价格有效发挥作用。